His Holiness Rinpoche Lobsang Pendha visits RoyalAgarwood​

On September 2, 2018, Hoang Tram was honored to welcome His Holiness H.E. The Gyudmed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Pendha, Former Abbot of the Lower Tantric Monastery of South India, to visit the RoyalAgarwood Cultural Conservation Area in Dien Khanh, Khanh Hoa

His Holiness and the Sangha visited the agarwood forest, and the RoyalAgarwood museum, enjoyed the ancient Incense rituals and were introduced to the more than 3,500-year cultural history of agarwood.

His Holiness acknowledged RoyalAgarwood's efforts in preserving and developing a precious product of humanity, which plays a very important role in daily life as well as religious SPIRITUAL life.

On this occasion, His Holiness also explained more about the precious values of agarwood in the Buddhist Tradition, helping practitioners improve their practice and providing specific health benefits.

His Holiness clearly explained the meaning and role of agarwood as one of the eight precious medicinal ingredients used to prepare medicine in ancient Tibetan medicine. The herbs of the Longevity medicine of Tibetan monks eliminate diseases, especially detoxify and prevent cancer. In addition to preventing cancer, it also has many other effects, such as reducing blood fat, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, helping to eat well, sleeping well, and staying alert...

His Holiness and the Sangha also performed a prayer ceremony and chanted the Noble Eightfold Auspicious Sutra to bless RoyalAgarwood with peace and success.

The presence and blessing of His Holiness Rinpoche Lobsang Pendha is a great relationship that RoyalAgarwood was honored to receive.

We all hope that the Three Jewels and compassion will bless His Holiness and the Sangha with good health, peaceful mind and body, and perfect Dharma to promote the Dharma and save suffering.

And we all pray for a peaceful country, peaceful sentient beings, fulfillment of Buddha's work, and all wishes fulfilled.


Rinpoche Lobsang Pendha's kind smile


Welcomed His Holiness and the Sangha


Mr. Pham Tuan Anh, owner of RoyalAgarwood, introduced to His Holiness and the Sangha the overview of RoyalAgarwood Cultural Conservation Area

His Holiness and the Sangha went for a walk in the agarwood forest


... and RoyalAgarwood museum.  


Introducing His Holiness and the Sangha to the beauties of Agarwood culture through artifacts and bibliographies at the Museum...



... and RoyalAgarwood's activities


His Holiness and the Sangha enjoyed the agarwood 


His Holiness is teaching more about the precious values of agarwood in the Buddhist Tradition




Introducing to His Holiness and the Sangha the precious blocks of agarwood...


... monolithic Bodhidharma Agarwood statue...


... and RoyalAgarwood's products.



It was a great honor when His Holiness and the Sangha performed a prayer ceremony, recited the Noble Eightfold Auspicious Sutra and blessed RoyalAgarwood with peace and success.







We all hope that the Three Jewels and compassion will bless His Holiness and the Sangha with good health, peaceful mind and body, and perfect Dharma to promote the Dharma and save suffering.

And we all pray for a peaceful country, peaceful sentient beings, fulfillment of Buddha's work, and all wishes fulfilled.

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